Newsletter Term 1 Issue 1
Principal's Report

Welcome to Term 1 of the 2025 school year! I hope you all had a restful and enjoyable break. As we embark on this new term, I am filled with excitement and optimism for the wonderful opportunities and experiences that lie ahead.
We welcome three new teachers to our staff for 2025, Mrs Kamini Arora (Area A), Miss Maggie Hagan (Area B & DOTT) and Mrs Dorothy Helfgott (Area C2). I would also like to extend a warm welcome to our new students and their families. We are delighted to have you join our school community and look forward to getting to know you better. To our returning students and families, welcome back! We are excited to continue our journey together and celebrate your achievements.
Our focus this term will be on fostering strong communication and collaboration between home and school. We believe that a strong partnership with families is essential for the success of our students. We encourage you to stay connected with us through regular communication, attending school events, and participating in parent-teacher meetings. We have been streamlining our communication channels. If you are needing to email a teacher, please use the email address, this will ensure emails are addressed in a timely manner and distributed to the relevant person.
With the increase in requests for therapy services we have created a dedicated therapy email account this is monitored by our therapy coordinator Mon to Wed. All therapy requests will be discussed during parent teacher meetings.
In 2024 we introduced the Schoolzine App, this has been greatly received by families. Through this app you can notify the school of absenteeism, access school forms, newsletters and school calendar. The passcode for the Burbridge Schoolzine App is 3675.
Thank you for your ongoing support and trust in our school. Together, we can create a positive and enriching learning environment for all our students. Let's make this term a fantastic one!
Joanne Gordon,
Save the date - School Photos
The Burbridge School photo day will be occurring on Tuesday 18th March 2025. Families will be issued with their own unique Shootkey and Online Ordering instruction slip which allows authorised parents and guardians to place orders on the MPS website. Stay tuned and keep an eye out for more information via your child's home school communication book.
Area B
Our area B students have enjoyed the start of the school year. We have been busy learning routines, exploring our classroom, making new friends and sharing stories of our holidays.
Sarah Sansom - Area B Teacher
Area B activities

Area C2
We’ve kicked off the term in C2 with enthusiasm and energy! With 7 wonderful children in our class, everyone is settling in and embracing the new (or new-ish) environment as we dive into exciting learning adventures.
So far, we’ve had a fantastic start with a trip to the gym and the multisensory room. In celebration of Chinese New Year, we created vibrant paper lanterns. We’ve also been exploring the letter of the day, engaging in various literacy and numeracy activities, and taking peaceful walks along the beautiful bushland trail nearby each morning. We also look forward to starting up with our Swimming this week.
It’s been a wonderful beginning, and we can’t wait for all the learning and fun ahead this term!
Dorothy Helfgott - C2 Teacher
C2 activities

Area F

Welcome to Area F in 2025
We have begun reading our chapter book ‘School of Monsters’ for shared reading, and begun learning about number, shape, and colour for Mathematics. For Physical Science we have explored objects that bounce and do not bounce as part of the topic ‘Forces and Motion.’
All in all, a great start to the 2025 school year, and looking forward to ‘full steam ahead’ on our learning journey in Area F! 😊
Alfena Westrup - Area F Teacher

School-based Immunisation Program (SBIP) for Year 7 and Year 10 students – 2025
The School-Based Immunisation Program (SBIP) is a free immunisation Program offered by the Department of Health. Immunisation protects your child against vaccine-preventable diseases. Every year, the adolescent immunisation program provides free, routine and recommended vaccines to year 7 and year 10 students across Western Australia. Parents/legal guardians can register and consent online using the below link. If you are unable to access the link a hard copy of the consent form can be requested via your child's home school communication book.
Year 10 Students are scheduled to receive the following vaccine: MenACWY (Meningococcal ACWY)
Year 7 Students are scheduled to receive the following vaccines: HPV (Human Papilloma Vaccine) and dTpa (Diphtheria/Tetanus/Pertussis)
The SBIP Team will be visiting Burbridge School the morning of Tuesday 18th March 2025. If your child is in Yr 7 or 10 and you would like your child to have their immunisations at school, please ensure arrival to school by 9am the morning of immunisations.
If your child misses their vaccine at school, visit your immunisation provider (the vaccine is free, but consultation fees may apply).
Post School Support Workshop
Burbridge is hosting an information session designed to increase the understanding of the types of pathway supports available inside and outside the NDIS and to help parents plan and prepare better to discuss support options for their child during and after school with a LAC or NDIS Planner.
The workshop will cover information on:
1) NDIS Employment Support Funding - Finding and Keeping a Job
- Social, Economic and Community Participation
2) What is the Specialised Job Customisation (Customised Employment) approach?
3) The Disability Support Pension (DSP) and Employment
The session is being held from 3pm to 5pm on Thursday 6th March 2025 in the Burbridge School Conference Room. RSVP to, attention Selvi Bird, by Friday 28th February 2025.
Parent and Citizens' Association
Parent and Citizens’ Association (P&C)
We invite you to be involved in your child’s school. Join the P&C now. The Burbridge School P&C meet for 1 hour on a Monday morning between 9am and 10am in the Burbridge School conference room, three times per term. The Burbridge P&C is an incorporated body through the Western Australian Council of State School Organisations (WACSSO).
The functions of the P&C are covered by legislation. The P&C promotes the interests of the school. They do this through:
- cooperation between parents, teachers, students and members of the community
- assisting in providing resources, facilities and amenities for the school
- fostering community interest in educational matters.
The P&C is very highly regarded in the school for their organisation of fundraising and other benefits for the good of the school. The P&C seek voluntary contributions from parents of students at the school, and these are reflected in the contributions and charges schedule published by the school each year.
Check out the school calendar for the next meeting date. If you would like further information, please email